DIY Hand Sanitizer for Car Owners

March 5, 2022

With the outbreak of Covid-19, many of us seek out essentials that will help prevent contracting the coronavirus. Hand Sanitizers are a must-have. It is vital to have them in your vehicle so that when you move from one place to another, you can easily access a hand sanitizer.

As we all know, there has also been a similar hike in the prices of this essential, so this piece will give you the details on how to make an effective hand sanitizer by yourself to save some money.

Ingredient for Hand Sanitizer

To make a hand sanitizer, you will need only a few ingredients, and the process is relatively straightforward:

  • Isopropyl/rubbing alcohol (it is advisable to use 99 percent volume of alcohol)
  • Lemon juice or use essential oil such as lavender or tea tree oil.
  • Aloe Vera gel

To ensure the hand sanitizer being made is effective, make sure to use a ratio of 2:1 of alcohol to aloe Vera gel. This way, the alcohol property in the hand sanitizer is kept around 60 percent and this, according to the CDC, is the minimum proportion needed to destroy germs and bacteria.

Another standard hand sanitizer formula is:

  • Two parts isopropyl alcohol/ethanol
  • A few drops of peppermint, eucalyptus oil, or clove (or any other essential oil)
  • 1 part aloe Vera gel

Tips to follow when making hand sanitizer by yourself.

  • Ensure that the space you’re making the hand sanitizer is clean—clean counters with a bleach solution before beginning the process.
  • Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water beforehand.
  • To mix the hand sanitizer ingredients, use a clean whisk or spoon. Ensure that these utensils are washed thoroughly before use.
  • Do not use diluted alcohol to make the hand sanitizer
  • Ensure the ingredients are mixed properly and are well blended.
  • Try not to make direct contact with the mixture until time for use.

The World Health Organization has a recommended formula for a larger batch of hand sanitizer. This can come in handy if you’re trying to make a big bottle of hand sanitizer for your vehicle. The formula is:

  • Ethanol or isopropyl alcohol
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Sterile distilled cold water
  • Glycerol

Notably, when making your DIY hand sanitizer, ensure you have the resources to make them at home safely. Improper proportions or ingredients may cause:

  • Lack of efficiency: the hand sanitizer may not eliminate all germs it usually would have destroyed.
  • Skin allergy, irritation, burns, or injury
  • Exposure to dangerous fumes

Nonetheless, it is essential that you know DIY hand sanitizer is usually not suitable for children. It is mainly for your use while en route and to minimize the cost of getting ready-made ones several times.

  • Steps to use your car DIY Hand Sanitizer

First of all, rub it into the skin of your hands until it dries up. Sometimes, if your hand is already dirty, wash first with soap and water before applying your hand sanitizer.