Easy Ways to Fix Your Car And Save Money

October 14, 2022

You can save money, repair your car and save the environment all at the same time. Here are some simple things you can do to keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently.

Check your tire pressure and fill it as needed

Not only will this save you money, but it can also prevent accidents. Your tires need the right air to provide adequate traction and reduce the risk of blowouts. Check them often, especially when buying new tires or driving through water. If the pressure is too low, you’ll see tire wear on the inside edge of the tread; if it’s too high, you’ll see wear on the outside edge.

Empty your ashtray

If you live in an area that has a lot of rain or snow, it’s easy for water to get into your car through the cigarette lighter or power outlets. This water can cause electrical problems with your ignition system and other parts of your car. To avoid this problem, empty the cigarette lighter and power outlets when they fill up with debris or water.

Change your oil filter

Changing the oil in your car is one of the easiest ways to keep it running smoothly and last longer. You could damage your engine if you don’t change the oil filter every 3,000 miles. The oil filter prevents dirt from entering the engine and damaging it over time.

Clean the floor mats

The floor mats in your car can get dirty over time and may cause an odor in the car. Cleaning them will remove debris, stains, and other impurities causing the smell. To clean them, use soap, warm water, and a toothbrush or cloth to scrub them until they are clean again. You can also place them in the sun for a few hours to dry out more easily.

Replace brake pads

Brake pads should be replaced every 20,000 miles for optimum performance and safety. If you notice that there is less stopping power than normal when driving, then it could be time to have them replaced. They should not be worn down too far before being replaced as this could cause damage to other parts of your vehicle and make stopping harder than necessary. You must check them regularly to know when they need replacing so that no damage occurs due to faulty brakes.

Wash your car regularly

Washing your car regularly helps prevent rust and corrosion, so you don’t have to deal with expensive repairs down the line. It also prevents dirt buildup on the vehicle’s exterior that could cause damage if left untreated, like when the dirt melts in hot weather and drips onto sensitive electronic components like brake lights and windshield wipers.

Replace your windshield wiper blades regularly

Your windshield wipers are an often-overlooked part of car maintenance because they’re not as visible as other parts of the vehicle, but they’re just as essential for safe driving! Worn-out wipers can leave you stranded in bad weather or unable to see where you’re going during a storm, so make sure yours are always in good shape by replacing them when needed, usually annually.


You don’t have to be a mechanic or even competent with cars to take care of them. It’s easy and can save you a ton of money in the long run. Now that’s what I call an easy way to fix your car!