March 3, 2023

Good working windshield wipers are key.  You can’t drive safely if you can’t see. Replace worn wiper blades.

Also a clean windshield inside and out is totally necessary. Just breathing in your car over time causes a film on the windows which distorts your vision especially at night with oncoming car headlights.

Don’t follow too closely with the vehicle in front of you. Just a car length makes a difference between stopping or having an accident.

Know where your vehicle blind spots are. There are several things you can do to help with this. Rounded mirrors on your side mirrors help a lot.

Properly working brakes of course is a must.  No brakes = no stop.

Tires are definitely part of the process.   Tires need to be properly inflated which not only helps with traction but saves on fuel. Alignments and tire rotation help with even wear to the tires even with that tires do wear out and need to be replaced when worn. If you don’t have a depth gauge you can use a penny upside down in the tread, if you can see the top of Lincoln’s head it’s time to replace them

Now that your vehicle has been properly maintained keys to keeping you safe out there.

Driving around 18 wheelers.

Give them room. They need a lot more room than a car to stop. Did you know that it takes at least the length of a football field to stop a truck going 55 mph on a dry road, and another 100 feet for every 10 mph over 55, and 3 times that distance in bad weather. So please for your own safety do Not cut-off a big truck your car might become their air bag. Car versus big truck =car loses most of the time.

Big trucks have blind spots that are more substantial than in cars. Here is a picture of their blind spots.  Try not to just stay in the blind spots.  Remember that the driver can’t see you. Drive where you can be seen. If you can’t see the driver in the mirror they can’t see you either.

During rain please drive with your lights on(most states it’s a law.) Here is what you look like in their mirror without headlights on.  Now you realize they can’t see your car. So please for your safety turn on those headlights in the rain. Driving in the rain is not an emergency so please don’t use your emergency flashers. Some of the newer cars are using led lights and they can be bright enough to blind other drivers on the road, some states it is illegal to use emergency flashers for anything other than an emergency..

For all the drivers around you don’t drive with your bright lights on.  Bright Lights blind oncoming traffic plus the vehicles in front of you.  Sometimes you need brights to see better, just remember you need to dim them when other traffic is around. When you are being passed by a large vehicle to let that driver know they are safely past instead of flashing your high beams the correct way is to turn off your headlights for a second or two then turn back on. If you use your high beams all you do is temporarily blind the driver.

now your ready for safe travels, so be safe and use your highway courtesy, sit back and enjoy the ride!