Tips for the Ultimate Car Wax

October 15, 2022

The easiest way to make a car look good is to wax it. It’s also one of the easiest ways to ruin a car’s paint job. The key to applying wax is knowing what kind of wax you’re using, how much you should use, and where you should apply it.

Here are some tips for getting the most out of your next wax job:

Clean your car before waxing

Before you apply a layer of wax to your vehicle, be sure to wash it clean. A dirty surface will have dirt trapped in the clear coat, preventing the wax from sticking as well as it should.

Use a quality microfiber cloth

Many different types of car waxes are on the market today, and they all require different types of cloth to apply properly. Microfiber cloths are ideal because they’re soft and absorbent, which allows you to get into tight spots around the edges of your vehicle’s bodywork without scratching or marring the paint job.

Do not apply in direct sunlight

Applying wax in direct sunlight will cause the wax to dry too quickly, which can lead to streaking. The sun makes surfaces hotter than normal temperatures and causes waxes to dry faster than normal.

Get it all off

Waxing properly means removing all dirt and dust from the surface before applying the wax, so be sure to clean any spots with soap and water before applying the wax. You should also try to remove any bugs or tar from your vehicle before applying the wax because these substances can ruin the look of your vehicle’s finish after just one wash cycle (or rain shower).

Make sure to remove all of the old wax from the surface before applying the new one so as not to leave any residue, which can ruin the texture of your freshly-waxed paint job.

Give it time, then buff

Most people do not allow enough time between application and buffing. This can lead to an uneven application or a sticky surface that is harder to clean up later.

Allow your wax to soak into the paint for at least five minutes before you begin buffing it off with a microfiber towel or applicator pad. This will ensure that all the excess wax is removed from your car’s surface so that you don’t end up with residue left behind or streaks on your paint job.


Waxing your car is one of the best things you can do for its exterior. Not only will it ensure that your paint lasts longer and has a shiny luster, but it’ll also help to protect your car from environmental damage and fading. Waxing your car doesn’t have to be complicated, though. Check out the simple steps above to get started on a simple waxing routine that works for you!