Top Five Car Hacks to Improve Your Driving Experience

March 9, 2022

Hacks are critical to navigating life more straightforwardly and conveniently. Owning a vehicle comes with many responsibilities; hence learning new car hacks is always a pleasure. Doing simple things to maintain the condition of your car, ease parking, improve your fuel economy, combat the cold weather and conquer the heat makes for a much better driving experience. Here are five car hacks that will make you a happy vehicle owner:

  • Fuel Management Hack

To ensure you save fuel, make sure to accelerate and brake as steadily as possible. Much better? Try and see if you can stop braking altogether and see how your fuel use reduces significantly. What you can do instead is to remove your foot from the accelerator when you’re coming close to a red traffic light or a stop, gradually slow down and easily reapply when the traffic light turns green. Watch how this truck makes your driving experience so much better!

  • Getting rid of unpleasant odors in the car

To get rid of car odor and smells, rather than purchasing commercial air fresheners for cars that usually have to be hung from the rear-view mirror, get some dryer sheets and put them in your vehicle or under car seats. These will fill the spaces enclosed with a clean and fresh aroma that will welcome you whenever you step into your car. This excellent car hack is pleasing to the nose, especially on long car trips and journeys.

  • Clean Headlights hack

Trying to keep the headlights of your car clean? Car wax is an easy solution. Though it may come off to many people as a vanity, it is paramount for safety during foggy and cold weather (especially winter). Slush on the roadside and coating of salt leave dirt, grime, and debris on the headlights of your car—this compromises headlight efficacy. Coat and clean them with car wax to ensure that they work efficiently. You can repeat this monthly according to your needs. This is an incredible hack to improve safety and to avoid you from squinting while driving because your headlights are not bright enough, and you’re unable to see clearly.

  • Freezing locks Hack

The cold weather always comes with many issues, especially for vehicle owners. One of these problems is freezing locks. To keep locks from freezing, here’s an old but helpful hack for those car wonders who do not possess a keyless entry: to protect your vehicle door locks from freezing with ice during the winter season, put a refrigerator magnet on the door lock. Better still, you can use an old magnate, trim it into a circular shape that fits perfectly and place it over the lock.

  • New Wipers Hack

A hack to manage old wipers rather than replacing: Sometimes, you may believe you need to let your old wipers go. Bad wipers are usually a safety risk, and they are also very annoying. When your wipers begin to smear your car windows, use some rubbing alcohol to clean the blades of your wiper.